PR & Media Relations

For a story to become a news story, certain criteria must be met – and how do you get the attention you want?

Consilio are experts in developing stories for the media and know what different media outlets are triggered by. We have a broad network in the media and extensive experience with strategic and operational PR work for various clients across different industries.

We can help you with

Media Monitoring

Consilio monitors over 1,300 Norwegian media outlets daily. This gives us a good overview of how our clients are portrayed in the daily news. We also conduct competitor analyses so that our clients can easily compare their results with their competitors.

Editorial Content

For a story to become a news story, certain criteria must be met. Consilio has long experience in developing good stories for the media and knows what triggers different media outlets. We lead the process with editorial inputs from the development of press materials to distribution and contact with the editorial team.

Media Training

Good media handling depends on good preparation. We regularly hold courses in media training, crisis management, and proactive presentation of your business or issue in the media. Our courses have an average evaluation higher than 9 on a scale from 1 to 10. All participants feel much better prepared to face the press after the course!

Winning Debates

We arrange "TV debates" with opponents and a host. How to get your message across? Theoretical approach and several rounds of practical exercises while the camera rolls. Participants receive concrete evaluations and constructive feedback. Debate training takes place in a TV studio in Oslo.

Emergency & Crisis Communication

We help you identify potential crisis situations and plan for them. Consilio has solid experience in guiding companies through challenging media situations and can offer courses and strategic advice for your company.

Become a Thought Leader!

Does your company have interesting knowledge? Do you have experts in your company? If so, others are interested in hearing and learning from you. Expertise positions the company as a leader in its field. Simply because humans are more interested in people who share their thoughts than companies who just shout "buy now".

Consilio positions experts in various industries through a strategic and holistic set of measures. Thought Leadership is built step by step through digital visibility, personal visibility through lectures, participation in podcasts, and more – but especially in the media. The result is a strengthened reputation and a leading brand.

Want to know more about how you can build thought leadership for your company? Get in touch!
